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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Scout Master Interview

Interview of Tom Lerch, Trp. 121 Scout Master

Q: What do you like about your job of being the Scoutmaster?
A: “I love working with the boys”.
Q: How do you feel about scouting?
A: ”I think it’s a great program for kids. It teaches leadership and survival skills. I wish every boy would take part”.
Q: What do you feel are the responsibilities for scouting?
A: “To teach kids about community, hard work, and service to others”.
Q: If someone would become a Scoutmaster, what would be some tips?
A: “Remember the age of the kids, make sure they have fun, make sure parents are involved, and remember to respect the boys”.
Q: Would you recommend this job to someone, and why?
A: “Yes, because it’s great working with the boys, its lots of fun, and great to watch the boys grow up.”

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